1. test drive: 试车,试验驾驶
2. silly me: 我真傻
3. all the time: 一直,始终
Conditions are changing all the time. (情况在不断地变化着。)
4. unsayable: 不可说出的,不易表达的
5. guts: 勇气
He had the guts to stand by his friend when he was in trouble.(当他处在困境的时候,他仍有勇气支持他的朋友。)
6. rocky: 困难重重的
The marriage got off to a rocky start.(那婚姻一开始就不稳固。)
7. nip at: 刺痛,挑剔,慢慢侵袭
8. insufferable: 令人无法忍受的
I was a modest, good-humoured boy; it is Oxford that has made me insufferable.(我本是个害羞而又脾气极好的小伙子,就是那牛津(大学)把我塑造成了一个令人讨厌的人物。)
9. go to hell: 完蛋, 见鬼去(骂人用法)
10.lose track of: 失去……的线索
Mary lost track of her friends at camp after summer was over.(夏天过后,玛丽就和她一起宿营的朋友失去了联系。)
11.greasy pole: 爬竿取物