Colleague: Ah, Miss Roberts. Hoping to be chosen as our candidate for parliament.
Margaret: Well I don't like coalitions, never have...
Denis: Start on the outside and work your way in.
Colleague: Attlee has his sights set on the steel industry, you mark my words. They'll be nationalizing the bloody air next. Yes, hold your breath, sir, that's government property!
Colleague: So was your father a political man, too, Miss Roberts?
Margaret: Oh, yes, to his core. And Mayor of Grantham.
Colleague: And a grocer as well!
Margaret: Yes.
Woman: And did you help, in the... shop?
Margaret: Oh, yes. It was a family business.
Colleague: A very good starting point for the political life, I'm sure.
Margaret: That and a degree from Oxford. Whisky. What I do think is that a man should be encouraged to stand on his own two feet. Yes we help people of course we help people. But for those that can do... they must just get up and do. And if something's wrong, they shouldn't just whine about it... they should get in there and DO something about it, change things.
Colleague: With all due respect, Miss Roberts, what may have served in Grantham-
Margaret: Can serve very well for the people of Dartford too.
Colleague: Really?
Margaret: I know much more than those who have never lived on a limited income. Just like the man or woman on the street, when I am short one week... I have to make economies the next.
Colleague: Nothing like a slice of fiscal responsibility.
Margaret: A man might call it fiscal responsibility, a woman might call it good housekeeping.
Colleague: I'm not sure... a home economics lesson is quite what... the Dartford constituents need. They see industry being nationalized... the unions on the up, the pound on the slide... whoever can sort that lot out, he's my man.
Margaret: Or woman?
Woman: Ladies shall we?
Denis: Miss Roberts, do join the ladies.
Colleague: Well. That's told us!