1. really something: 真了不起
I read in today's newspaper that you win the literary prize. That's really something! Congratulations!(我在今天的报纸上看到你获得文学奖了,太棒了,祝贺你啊!)
2. whisker: 腮须胡须,似须物
He has heavy whiskers.(他长着很重的连鬓胡子。)
The candidate lost the election by a whisker.(该候选人以微弱劣势失去了竞选。)
3. wringer: 绞衣机,榨干机,也可以指勒索者
4. for a little: 一会儿
I often nod off for a little while after lunch.(我在午饭后常睡一小觉。)
5. the big day: 重要的一天,大日子,大喜的日子
6. step in: 介入,干预
If they step in where they're not wanted, they'll get their noses put out of joint.(如果他们介入与他们无关的事,会有人阻止他们的。)
7. Broadway show: 百老汇演出
8. Matinee: 午后的演出,日戏,日场
9. My Fair Lady: 电影《窈窕淑女》,这里金博是说自己的母亲并非淑女