1. stripper: 脱衣舞女
2. it's cake: 小菜一碟,相当于It's a piece of cake.
3. screw:screw him, you, that, etc.意思是见他(或你、它)的鬼。这里布鲁斯的意思是“可恶的规矩”。
4. go Dutch: AA制。与某人平摊费用常说go Dutch with someone。
5. quota: 定额,指标。在选举中指(候选人当选所需的)规定票数,最低票数。这里布鲁斯的意思是“就是因为他,我们左洛复的份额业绩不达标”。
6.promised land: 福地;乐土;安乐境界。这里的意思是完成配额就可以去芝加哥了。
7. hunch:预感,直觉。有某种直觉通常用“have/get/a hunch”来表示,“凭直觉行事”则是“follow one’s hunch”。
例如:He had a hunch that she was lying.(他凭直觉认为她在撒谎。)
8. big leagues: 大联盟,美国两大职业棒球联盟之一。这里指公司的高级管理层。
9. stonewall: 妨碍,阻碍。政治上指通过沉默或冗长发言等手段阻碍议事或拖延决议,想尽一切办法不要把那些使自己难堪或不利的消息透露出去。
例如:We've arrested one major suspect in this murder case and also arrested another man who we believe helped the crime. But both of them are stonewalling - they refuse to answer any questions at all.
10.stay out of: 不参与,置身于……之外。 keep/stay out of somebody's way则是指“规避;避开;躲开” 。
例如:His father told him to stay out of trouble.(他父亲叫他避开是非之地。)