Chickenhawk 追求青年男子的年长同性恋
An older gay man who sexually pursues younger males, i.e. "twinks"/"chickens" or, more rarely, underage boys.
Cougar 熟女
A woman, 35 years of age or older, who pursues younger men, typically more than eight years her junior. The origin of the word is debated; however, it is thought to have first appeared in print on the Canadian dating website Cougardate.com and has been used in TV series, advertising and film. The 2007 film Cougar Club was dedicated to the subject and in Spring 2009 TV Land aired a reality show called The Cougar. The sitcom Cougar Town explores the difficulty and stigma of many so-called "Cougars".
Cradle robber or cradle snatcher 老少恋中年长的一方
A person involved with a much younger individual.
Cub 和年长的人谈恋爱的青年男子
A younger male who is going out with an older partner, often paired with the term Cougar. The term is also often used in the gay community along with the term Bear. While normally used to refer to a partner under 30, this is not a prerequisite.
Trout 和年轻女子约会的年长男子
An older man who dates a younger woman. A trout swims downstream hence the term.
Gold digger 为获取钱财和年长的人谈恋爱的女人
Someone (typically a female) who develops a relationship with a much older partner for primarily financial reasons, especially to inherit the partner's wealth upon death (which is expected to come soon).
Jailbait 祸水妞(或郎)(指与之发生性关系即构成犯罪的未成年少女或少男)
A sexually attractive young person who is below the legal age of consent. This designation connotes enticement to endanger oneself of being prosecuted for statutory rape. In California, the term "San Quentin Quail," a reference to the state prison at San Quentin, is used. Perhaps due to the influence of Hollywood on American slang, the expression is used in other states as well.
Lolita (吸引年长男性的)早熟性感少女
A sexually precocious girl who is the object of desire of a significantly older man. The term's origin is the name of the title character in Vladimir Nabokov's novel Lolita, whom the book's narrator, Humbert Humbert, calls a nymphet. While nymphet still describes younger children, Lolita has come to be applied to older adolescents and young women in the context of pornography.
May–December romance 忘年恋
A relationship in which the age difference between the two adults is wide enough to risk social disapproval. The issue was explored in depth in a very successful BBC comedy series, May to December.
Puma 和二十多岁的青年男子谈恋爱的三十岁左右的女人(年龄差距小于八岁)
A woman in her late twenties and thirties who dates a younger man (i.e., 20-somethings), often considered a "cougar in training". It also means a cougar whose age disparity is less than eight years.
Sugar daddy/mama/mommy 甜心老爹/甜心妈咪(对年轻女子或男子慷慨大方的阔老或富婆)
A rich, usually older person who offers money or gifts to a less rich, usually younger person in return for companionship or sexual favors. This differs from prostitution in that the older person is usually the sole financial provider to the younger person. In Japan, there is a loosely similar practice known as enjo kōsai.
Toy boy/Boy toy 比女方要年轻得多的小男朋友、小情人、小丈夫
A much younger boyfriend or husband of an older woman. In male-male relationships, a toy boy characterizes the one who is (and usually enjoys being) used for sexual gratification.
Troll 追求年轻男子的年长的同性恋或双性恋男子
An older gay/bi man, often a less-attractive one, who cruises younger men for sex.