1. jump right in: jump in用来指“匆忙行事,急于行动”,在此处克雷格的意思是“那我就开门见山了。”
此外,jump in还可以表示“打断谈话、插话”,例如:If you have any questions, jump right in.(如果有什么问题,就直接说。)
2. don't have a heartbeat:没有心跳,在这里指汽车工业“完全溃败,一蹶不振”。
3. glocal: 全球本地化,global和local的合成词。这种进程也称为glocalization。
By definition, the term "glocal" refers to the individual, group, division, unit, organization, and community which is willing and able to "think globally and act locally."
"Glocals" is a term often used to describe a new social class: expat managers who travel often and switch homes often, and are therefore both global and local.
4. see about:调查,考虑。克雷格此处是在开完笑说“那可不一定”。
例如:Since I am a stranger in this city, I have to see about where I take bus No.3.(因为对这个城市不熟,我得问问到哪儿坐3路车。)
5. transition specialist:职业转换专家,也就是“裁员专家”。
6. line:台词。瑞恩的意思是“这分明是我的一套说辞。”
7. as a favor to me: 算帮我个忙。“帮我个忙”还可以用do me a favor来表示。
8. T1:传输速率可达1.544Mb/s的通讯线路。
9. eviscerate:除去精华,除去主要部分。娜塔莉在这里的意思是“我们昂贵的出差预算能削减85%”。