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> 英语口语 > 英语口语练习 > 疯狂英语脱口而出 >  第10篇





第一节:向播音员挑战 [1]Five people suffered minor injuries when an;
earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale struck Taiwan this morning.;[1]今天早上台湾发生6.2 级地震,有五人受轻伤。 地震引起了市民的惊慌,
It caused some panic 『恐慌;惊慌』but little serious damage. James Pomfret reports:;但是几乎没有严重损失。 占姆士·庞夫瑞特报道:
[2] "The earthquake struck at 10.35 this morning[girls screams] rocking Taipei for 20;[2]"早晨10点35分台北发 生地震(女孩子尖叫), 地震持续了20秒钟,
seconds, though much of the city was left unscathed.;但是城市大部分安然无恙
Only a few buildings were damaged.;只有少数几座建筑受损。
This hospital's outer wall was unable to withstand the shock,;这所医院的外墙经不住震 动,
crashing onto the pavement, though no one was injured.";倒塌在人行道上,但无一 人受伤。"
[3] "There were power cuts in some areas and public transport was disrupted, including;[3]"部分地区发生断电和 交通瘫痪,
the Mass Rapid Transit system, which was closed temporarily for safety checks.";其中包括大型都市捷运系 统,现已暂停使用以进行 安全检查。"
[4] "According to the central weather bureau the quake measured 6.2;[4]"根据中央气象局报告 此次地震达到无限量震级 6.2 级,
on the open-ended Ric- hter scale, with its epicenter at sea off Taiwan's north-east;震中心位于台湾东北海岸 外海域。
coast. Just last night a quake measuring 6.3 originated from a similar area,;昨晚,几乎同一海域发生 了6.3级地震,
but the 2 quakes are not believed to be related.;但据推测两场地震并无关 联。
Nine minor aftershocks have been recorded.";记录显示有九次微小余震
[5]"Taiwan's financial market perhaps suffered most.;[5]"台湾金融市场可能损 失最重。
The stock market fell more than 1.7 per cent;股市下跌超过1.7%,
on worries『担心』that aftershocks could affect the island's industries.;人们还担心余震会影响岛 内的工业。
Taiwan's last major quake occurred in September 1999,;台湾最近的一次大地震发 生在1999年9月,
measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale.;震级为7.6级,
50,000 buildings were destroyed and 2,400 people died in that quake.;50,000座建筑被毁, 2,400人死亡。
James Pomfret,TVB News;占姆士·庞夫瑞特报道。 TVB新闻。"
第二节:广告配音员的梦 想 -- 梦幻般的声音!;
【Kim's Note】 Advertisements are really a top way to improve your English.;
They always use English in the most effective way possible;
and they are full of useful adjectives that appear on many exams!;
In fact,advertisements contain more adjectiv- es than any other type of learning material.;
Instead of memorizing long lists of them,;
try reciting some adv- ertisements and watch your vocabulary power improve immensely!;
dry and itchy from abuse like everyday hair care routines, it may not be dandruff;
It could be dry skin. So it needs shampoo that's formulated to protect the scalp.;
Dry Scalp Shampoo. Its unique formula helps maintain the natural moisture;
balance of your scalp while its gentle conditioners care for your hair.;
广告常用形容词: Advertisement Adjectives:;
1.dry 干的;干燥的 * I hate the dry air in Beijing.;(我讨厌北京干燥的空气
* I think you cooked this chicken too long. It tastes really dry.;(我认为你煮鸡煮得太久 了,尝起来真的好干。)
* We haven't had a dry day in Guangzhou in months!;(广州好几个月没有晴天 了。)
2.itchy 痒的;渴望的 *I can't wear anything that's itchy.;(我不能穿任何令人发痒 的衣服。)
My legs are itchy from so many mosquito bites;(我的腿被蚊子咬了好多 包,痒死了。)
*I'm so hot and itchy! I can't wait to take a shower.;(我又热又痒,我恨不得 马上就洗个澡。)
3.unique 唯一的独一 无二的;独特的;
Crazy English is a unique way to learn English.;(疯狂英语是学习英语的 一种独特的方法。)
* My husband isn't handsome, but he certainly is unique.;(我丈夫不帅,但是他肯 定是独一无二的。)
* Where did you get that unique watch?;(你在哪里买到这块独特 的手表?)
4.natural自然的天然的 * China has so much natural beauty.;(中国有很多美丽的自然 景观。)
Try to relax and speak in a natural voice.;(尽量放松,用自然的声 音说话。)
5.gentle 温和的;和 善的;仁慈的;
* I don't like such a hard massage. I prefer a gentle touch.;(我不喜欢如此强烈的按 摩,我更喜欢温柔的接触
* My mother is a kind and gentle woman.;(我妈妈是一个亲切和善 的女人。)
* The weather was warm with a gentle breeze.;(天气很温暖,伴着一丝 和风。)
II. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, YOU'VE JUST STRUCK OIL Soft and silky, never greasy.;
Introducing Johnson's Creamy Baby Oil.;
A new moisturizer made from pure Johnson's Baby Oil, swirled light and creamy.;
Try it. And strike it rich. NEW! Johnson's Creamy Baby Oil;
第三节:成功的翻译必备 -- 锻炼顶级双语功力!;
1.The project is making slow progress because of his uncooperativeness.;他的不合作态度使这个项 目进展十分缓慢。
2.There seems to be little chance that he will grant such a request.;想让他答应如此要求恐怕 不大可能。
3.If by any chance you want to cancel the trip,;万一你想取消这次旅行,
please notify us in writing at least one month in advance.;请至少提前一个月书面通 知我们。
4.This situation will not remain unchanged.;这种情况不会延续下去。
5.The new regulations will come into force next year.;新规则明年起生效。
6.She looks pretty much like a friend of mine.;她长得很像我的一个朋友
7.This kind of instant noodle is preservative-free.;这种方便面不含防腐剂。
8.He doesn't like others to call him by his nickname.;他不喜欢别人叫他的外号
9.You should not dream your life away.;你不要在空想中蹉跎一生
10.The ship was flying Chinese flag.;那艘船悬挂中国国旗。
11.His excellent performance enabled us to win the match.;他的出色发挥使我们赢得 了比赛。
12.Her latest solo album has made her very famous in the world of pop music.;她最近的独唱专集使她在 流行乐坛名声大振。
13.What he said made no sense to me at all.;他说的什么我一点都不明 白。
14.Whether they come makes no difference to me.;他们来不来我根本无所谓
15.When I needed you the most, I could not find you anywhere.;在我最需要你时,却 哪儿都找不到你。
第四节:做个幽默的主持 人;
Ladies and Gentlemen:;女士们,先生们:
[1] It is my job to introduce the foreign guests who will be spending the week with;[1] 我的责任是介绍这些 将与我们共度这一周的外 国客人们。
us here. I must say that I'm a little at a loss『不知所措』 as to how to introduce them.;我必须表明对于如何介绍 他们,我有点不知所措。
I wanted to say at first the tall one, or the one with blond hair,;刚开始我会介绍说高个的 、金发的、
or the one with blue eyes,or something like that to help you remember them.;或蓝眼睛的帮助你们记住 他们。
Now, seeing them all here together for the first time, I see what a problem I have:;现在他们都到了这里,我 遇到了个大问题:
They're all tall, they all have blond hair, and they all seem to have blue eyes, too.;他们都是高个子,金发, 看起来也都是蓝眼睛。
Oh well, you'll just have to remember their names.;好吧,你们只好记住他们 的名字了。
[2]Mr. Sam White comes to us from the University of Kentucky where;[2] 山姆·怀特先生来自 肯塔基大学,
he is majoring in economics『经济学』;主攻经济学。
He is most noticeable 『显著的;显而易见的』 for his southern accent『口音』.;他有很浓重的南方口音。
Miss Kelly Brown comes from the University of Wisconsin.;凯利·布朗小姐来自威斯 康星大学,
She is majoring inmod- ern languages,;专业是现代语言学,
so she will be happy to speak in French or Chinese to any one of you.;她会很高兴与你们中的某 个人讲法语或中文。
Mr. Jim Smith is from the City College of New York. He tells me he is a city boy,;吉姆·史密斯先生来自纽 约城市大学。他告诉我他 是一个都市男孩,
and this is his first time to live in a camp like this.;这是他第一次过这种野营 生活。
If he getsscared at the night noises, be patient『耐心的;容忍 的』 with him.;如果他晚上感到害怕, 请你们多多见谅。
[3] The last person to introduce is Miss Julia Cook,;[3] 最后一位要介绍的是 朱利亚·库克,
who is a social worker 『社会工作者』 for the City of Los Angeles.;她是洛杉机市政府的社会 工作者。
She has a headache, owing to the weather here, but she is now accustomed to it.;由于这里的天气原因她有 些头疼,不过她现在已经 适应了。
[4]Seriously,thank you all for coming and taking part in our camp.;[4] 说真的,谢谢你们来 加入我们的野营。
All of us hope that you will enjoy yourselves.;我们全体人员祝你们过得 愉快。
第五节:演讲家的风采 -- 征服自我,征服听众!;
Happy Birthday 生日快乐;
[1]We're here today to celebrate a very special occasion.;[1] 今天我们在此庆祝一 个非常特别的日子。
I'm sure everybody will agree with me that;我相信大家都会同意,
Tom has always been a great boss and a great leader.;汤姆一直是个很棒的领导 和上司,
He has also been a good role model and friend.;同时也是我们的楷模和朋 友。
I have never met a person who is as understanding patient, and sincere as Tom.;我从来没有遇见过像汤姆 这么体恤他人、有耐心又 真诚的人。
[2]We have thrown this birthday party not only to celebrate your birthday,;[2] 我们举办这个生日晚 会,不只是要庆祝你的生 日,
but also to express our gratitude for your thoughtful『体贴的; 周到的』 leadership.;我们还要对你体贴的领导 表示感激。
You have really done a lot for everyone here. So thank you from all of us.;你为在场的每一位都做了 很多,我们大家全体感谢 你。
[3] Happy birthday, Tom, and many happy returns!;[3] 生日快乐,汤姆,并 祝你福如东海,寿比南山
经典祝贺二: Wedding Congratulations 新婚快乐;
[1] John and Mary, You have my warmest congratulations on this wonderful day.;[1] 嗨!约翰,玛丽,在 今天这个美妙的日子里我 衷心地祝贺你们。
I am really very happy for you two.;我真为你俩感到高兴。
[2] I have known John for about five years,;[2] 我认识约翰已经五年 了,
and I have always been envious of his talent and abilities in many respects『方面』.;我一直嫉妒他在各个方面 的才能。
[3] He is not merely a competent『有能力的; 能干的』 professional in international trade;[3] 他不仅是一位能干的 外贸人才,
he is exceptional『异 常的;特殊的』 in doing almost anything.;而且在各个方面都很杰出。
[4] Today, I have become even more envious of John,;[4] 今天我更嫉妒约翰了
because he just got married to one of the most beautiful brides in the world.;因为他刚娶了世界上最美 丽的新娘之一。
[5] But don't let our envy bother『烦扰;打 扰』 you, John,;[5] 不过,别介意我们的 嫉妒,
because we want you to become the happiest couple in the world,;因为我们希望你们是世界 上最幸福的一对;
and keep us envious of you two forever!;并且请让我们永远嫉妒你 们吧!
[6] Congratulations, and be happy! We all wish you the very best;[6] 恭喜你们,祝你们愉 快!我们大家祝你们幸福
第八节:一个成功的导游 必备-- 介绍首都北京, 吸引外国游客!;
As the capital of China and one of the seven ancient capitals in Chinese history,;北京是中国的首都和中国 七大古都之首,
Beijing is the first one of the state-list- ed famous cultural and historic cities.;国家级历史文化名城之一
It blends a traditional outlook as well as a spectacular.;在北京,古代遗址景观与 现代大都市的壮观景色混 为一体。
The Great Wall, the Palace Museum, and the site of Zhoukoudian - home of Peking Man;长城、故宫、北京周口店 猿人遗址
have been listed as the world heritage.;被列为世界遗产。
Beijing is also a noted city for international tourism.;北京是著名的国际旅游名 城,
The architecture of the Imperial Palaces of the Ming and Qing dynasties have been;明清帝都建筑完善,轴线 引导,圈层布局。
preserved well. On the axis from south to north are Yongding Gate,Zhengyang Gate,;南北轴线上重要的古建筑 由南向北排列:永定门、 正阳门、
Chairman Mao Memorial Hall. The Monument to the People's Heroes, Tian'anmen Gate,;毛主席纪念堂、人民英雄 纪念碑、天安门、
Duan Gate the Palace Museum, Jingshan Park (Coal Hill), Drum Gate and Bell Tower.;端门、故宫、鼓楼、钟楼
Around the Palace Museum is the Imperial City.;故宫的外圈旧时是皇城
There are the Temple for Ancestral Worship, the Altar of the Earth and Harvest,the Beihai;有太庙、社稷坛、北海等
Park. The outer lane is the Inner City.;再外圈是内城,
There are the Imperial College, Yonghegong, Miaoying Temple, etc.;有国子监、雍和宫、妙应 寺等。
Outside the Inner City are the Temple of Heaven, the Temple of Earth,;内城之外圈的天坛地坛、
the Temple of Agricul- ture, the Summer Palace, the Yuanmingy- uan Ruins etc.;先农坛、颐和园、圆明园 遗址等。
In the outer suburbs 『郊区;外围』are the Ming Tombs, the Great Wall,;远郊是明十三陵、长城、
and the Site of Zhoukoudian - home of Peking Man.;周口店猿人遗址,
The newly-opened natural sights include the Stone Flower Cave,;还辟有石花洞等自然景观
Daguanyuan (Grand View Garden),the World Park and many more.;和大观园、世界公园等主 题名园。
Beijing is rich in the former homes of famous people,;北京多名人故居,
the Beijing-style lanes (Hutong) and street view, folk arts, and delicacies.;京味胡同与街景、民间艺 术及美味佳肴等,极具旅 游参与性魅力。
第五部 第一节:超级地道美国话 -- 吓唬美国人! 第一篇 约会迟到找借口;
1. Uh, I was stuck『卡 住;被困住』in traffic; (我碰到交通堵塞了!)
2. Well, there was an accident on the road, you see!";(哎,你知道吗?路上有 一桩交通事故。)
3. The bus broke down on my way here! It was a nightmare!;(在我来的途中公共汽车 坏掉了!真是倒霉!)
4. There were so many people waiting for the bus, I couldn't even get on it!;(等车的人太多了,我根 本就挤不上车。)
5. I lost my car keys!; (我找不到车钥匙了。)
6. My car died!; (我的车坏掉了。)
7. Oh, I over slept.; (哎,我睡过头了。)
8. Nobody woke me up!; (没人叫我起床。)
9.I didn't go to sleep until 3:00 last night!; (我昨晚3点钟才睡着。
10. My alarm didn't go off『不响了』!; (我的闹钟罢工了。)
11. My cat died! / My dog died!; (我的爱猫/爱狗归天了
12. My mother called!;(我老妈打电话给我!-- 耽误了一点时间。)
13. My son got really sick. I had to take him to the hospital.;(我儿子生病了,我必须 送他去医院。)
第二篇 拒绝听借口 1. What's your excuse this time?;(这次你的借口又是什么
2.What is it this time; (你这次又怎么了?)
3. All right, let's hear it.; (好吧,让我们听听你 的借口。)
4. What's your story this time?;(这次你又有什么故事?
5.All right, It'd better be good.; (好吧!你最好给我个 好理由。)
6. So, do you have an excuse this time?; (那,你这次还有什么 借口呢?)
7. So what's today's excuse?; (今天的借口又是什么呢?)
8. All right, don't tell me your dog or cat died!; (好了,不要再告诉我 你的狗狗或猫猫又死掉 了。这个借口实在是用 了太多次了!)
9. Don't tell me. Let me guess.You overslept right?; (不要告诉我,让我猜。 你睡过头了,对不对?)
10. Do you have any idea what time it is?; (你知道现在几点钟了 吗?-- 开什么玩笑, 敢给我迟到!)
11. Man, I don't wanna (= want to)hear it!; (兄弟,我不想再听任 何借口了。)
12. I'm sick of your excuses.Can't you just be on time for once?; (我对你的借口烦透了。 你能不能准时一次?)
第二节:高级口译自测 --进入随心所欲的境界!;
朱?基总理记者招待会片 段 Premier Zhu's Press conference;
【Kim's Note】Premiere Zhu definitely has a gift for communicating;
His answers are always direct, to the point and well worded.;
He doesn't give long vague answers.;
If he isn't prepared to answer or doesn't want to, he just says so!;
This no nonsense appr- oach wins him a lot of respect in the intern- ational community.;
He is more than just a role model for English;
he is also a role model for good communication skills in general!;
Correspondent:Thank you. From Reuters. Premier Zhu, I noticed in your work report;记者:我是路透社记者。 我们注意到在您的工作报 告中,
you included several elements『要素;成分』 of Jiang Zemin's theories,;您谈到了江泽民主席的一 些理论。
including the Three Represents and Rule by Virtue.;比如说,"三个代表"的思 想,"以德治国"的理念。
Since you're famous for『以……而出名』very plain, easy to understand language,;(因为您以平实、易懂的 语言著称,
can you explain to us what the Three Represents means to the man on the street,;您能不能解释一下……) 那么请问对于街上行走的 普通人来说,"
and also what Rule by Virtue means, as you plan to practice it.;三个代表思想"对他们意 味着什么,而你打算实施 的"以德治国理念"对他们 又意味着什么?
Zhu Rongji:The theory of Three Represents and the philosophy of Rule of Virtue put;朱?基:我想江泽民主席 提出的三个代表的思想, 以德治国的理念,
forward by President Jiang Zemin is actual- ly the extensionand development of Marxism;都是对马克思主义理论的 发展。
theory. This is not the work of President Jiang Zemin himself,;那么,也不是他一个人的 意见,
the entire CCCP committee has agreed on these points.;我们中央在这个问题上的 意见是完全一致的。
But I don't think today this is a fitting occasion for me to give you a;当然,你要我在这个地方 来阐明这个思想,
thorough elaboration, perhaps it would need an international seminar『研究会』 for;
a thorough discussion about the question you've raised. Thank you.;以下是前两段的译文: 我想这不是时候,也许我 们需要开一次国际研讨会 谢谢.
第六部 第一节:教你一招 -- 如何结束谈话!;
【Kim's Note】This is a serious problem among Asian English learners.;
Even people with outstanding English seem to have a hard time with this skill.;
I think the culture difference has something to do with it.;
In any case, these endings are much better then abruptly saying "OK. I go now.";
Making a graceful exit will ensure that you are remembered long after you leave!;
How to End A Conversation 1.师生之间 (between teacher and student):;
A: Thank you for your time, Ms. Lee. I enjoyed speaking with you.; (李老师,占用了您的 时间,真是太感谢了。 与您交谈非常高兴。)
B: You're welcome, Stone, any time.; (别客气,石头,随时 欢迎你。)

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