
2022-09-19 16:19:35  每日学英语
 cut off your nose to spite your face 
The idiom to cut off your nose to spite your face means you shouldn't do something out of spite or revenge that will end up causing more harm to you than to the person with which you are angry. In other words, do not let your overreaction lead to self-harm.
“cut off your nose to spite your face ”这个成语的意思是你不应该做一些怨恨或报复的事情,这样做对你自己的伤害会大于你生气的人的伤害。换句话说,不要让你的过度反应导致自我伤害。
to do something because you are angry, even if it will cause trouble for you
I know you're mad at your parents, but running away is only going to make your own life harder. Don't cut your nose off to spite your face.
