
2021-08-09 11:18:06  每日学英语

Our graceful and elegant feline overlords have another side to them. When they think we’re not looking, they can act like the biggest derps on Planet Earth! Luckily for us, their derpiness is an endless source of entertainment for us.


That’s where the massive ‘Animals Being Derps’ online community comes in. The r/AnimalsBeingDerps subreddit has a whopping 3.6 million members and has been an active part of Reddit since May 2013. The community is dedicated to sharing photos and videos of animals “acting like complete idiots.” And today, we’re featuring some of the funniest and cutest cat pics from the subreddit to brighten up your day, dear Pandas.

这就是Animals Being Derps在线版块发挥作用的地方。红迪网上的r/AnimalsBeingDerps有360万会员,自2013年5月以来一直是红迪网上的活跃部分。该版块致力于分享动物“表现得像个十足的白痴”的照片和视频。今天我们从reddit上精选了一些有趣和可爱的猫的照片,照亮你的一天。











图片来源:Jonas Grinevičius
