
2021-01-04 09:47:46  每日学英语

You might be thinking… why make a video about pronouncing CAN and CAN’T – that’s so easy and obvious!


But keep watching, because there are some pronunciation changes when native English speakers say these words fast. This lesson will help you understand can/can’t better when you HEAR them, and it will also help you SAY these words more naturally in sentences.

但是请继续看下去,因为当英语母语人士快速地说这些单词时,会有一些发音变化。这节课会帮助你更好地理解can和can ' t,也会帮助你在句子中更自然地表达这些单词。


How to pronounce CAN’T


Let’s start with CAN’T. The main thing is that we don’t pronounce the T like “t.” We don’t usually say “can’T.” Instead, it sounds more like can’t – the end of the word just stops suddenly;


we simply cut off the sound quickly, instead of pronouncing a clear “t.” This happens with a lot of English words ending in “t.” We say hat, get, sit, and not haT, geT, siT.

我们只是快速地把音剪掉,而不是发一个清晰的t音。很多以t结尾的英语单词都是这样。我们说hat, get, sit,而不是haT, geT, siT。

So if you’re expecting to hear a strong “t” sound at the end of can’t – you won’t. And this can be confusing – so how are you supposed to hear the difference between can and can’t, if we don’t pronounce the final T like “t”?



How to pronounce CAN


Here’s how you can do it – the word “can” is also pronounced differently in fast spoken English!


We usually don’t say can with a strong “a” sound.


Instead, we say something like “kin” or “kn” – the word gets shortened, because the stress is usually on the main verb that comes after the word “can.”


Let me show you some examples to make it clearer:


I can swim.

I kin swim.

You can call me anytime.

You kn call me anytime.

We can give you a ride.

We kn give you a ride.

See how the word “can” sounds more like “kin”?


I kin swim.

You kn call me anytime.

We kn give you a ride.

Because the stress is on the main verbs, swim, call, and give.

因为重音都在动词swim, call和give上。

This pronunciation of “can” more like “kin” also happens in questions with “can.” Let’s look at some of these:


Can you close the window?

Kinya close the window?

How can I help?

How kn I help?

Where can we buy tickets?

Where knwe buy tickets?

When you understand that “can” typically sounds like “kin” and “can’t” typically sounds like can’t, this will help you hear the difference.



