
2019-08-03 14:31:03  每日学英语
It goes without saying

It goes without saying is used to introduce a fact that is clearly and obviously true.
It goes without saying用于介绍一件很清楚明显的事实。

You might wonder why we bother to use this phrase at all. Why not just say the thing that's true, without introducing it with "it goes without saying"? Well, we tend to use it to give extraemphasis to how obviously true the sentence is, or how it is believed to be true by most people.
你可能会说了:为什么我们要用it goes without saying,而不是直接把这个事实说出来呢?其实,我们更倾向于用它来强调事情有多真实,或者大多数人认为它是对的。

Let's say your friend is going to have surgery, and asks you for a big favor, if you can drive him home from the hospital. You might respond with, Of course it goes without saying! This is away to say Yes, because we are such good friends, it's CLEAR that I will help you!
