
2018-08-07 08:45:13  每日学英语





Starbucks will start coffee deliveries in China next month in a partnership with internet giant Alibaba, as the US company looks to protect its lead in a fast-growing coffee market where it is facing tougher competition and a recent decline in sales.





Alibaba’s food delivery platform Ele.me will begin making deliveries from 150 Starbucks outlets in September, expanding to 2,000 stores by the end of the year. Alibaba will also install Starbucks delivery outlets in its chain of Hema grocery stores.


In May it unveiled a bold plan to triple Chinese revenue and nearly double the number outlets in the country to 6,000 over the next five years. But the chain left the market stunned just weeks later when it warned same-store sales growth in China would be flat or negative in the third quarter following years of growth.





Starbucks shares tumbled after the trading update and briefly hit a 22-month low at the end of June as all three major rating agencies downgraded the company and the chief financial officer said he was stepping down.


Starbucks’ tie-up with Ele.me comes as it looks to catch up with local upstart Luckin Coffee on the delivery front. The chain, which specialises in deliveries to office workers, has been making waves by undercutting its Seattle rival on price and convenience. It has opened 500 outlets this year and raised $200m in a funding round last month that valued it at $1billion.

与饿了么建立伙伴关系之际,星巴克寻求追赶中国本土新近出现的竞争者。走在咖啡外卖配送前沿的是瑞幸咖啡(Luckin Coffee)。这家专注于为上班族送货上门的连锁店,在价格和便利性方面都做得比来自西雅图的竞争对手更好,从而在市场上掀起轩然大波。瑞幸咖啡今年已开设500家门店,并在上月的融资轮中融资2亿美元,同时估值达到10亿美元。



