随着冬日降临,阴郁的漫漫霜夜(frosty nights)即将到来,又有人开始寻找圣诞季情人了。
We are now knee-deep in “cuffing season”, whereby single men and women search far and wide for a companion to keep them warm and sexually satiated during the chilly months.
cuffing season /kʌfɪŋ/ 骚动季节
companion /kəm'pænjən/ n. 同伴;朋友
satiated /'seiʃieitid/ adj. 充分满足的
chilly /'tʃɪlɪ/ adj. 寒冷的;怕冷的
According to Urban Dictionary, the cold weather and prolonged indoor activity causes singles to become lonely and desperate to be cuffed.
根据在线词典Urban Dictionary,寒冷的天气和长时间的室内活动让单身人士感到寂寞,因而渴求被“拷牢”。
weather /'weðə/ n. 天气;气象
prolonged /prə'lɒŋd/ adj. 延长的;持续很久的
desperate /'desp(ə)rət/ adj. 不顾一切的;极度渴望的
This pattern is more than a simple by-product of fickle millennial dating culture, it’s a common trend that's been labelled “Seasonal Dating Disorder” (SDD).
Just like “ghosting” involves no supernatural apparitions; SDD is not a medically-recognised disorder, however, it is no less socially prevalent.
pattern /'pæt(ə)n/ n. 模式;图案
by-product /'baɪ,prαdəkt/ n. 副产品
fickle /'fɪk(ə)l/ adj. 浮躁的;易变的
millennial /mɪ'lenɪrl/ adj. 一千年的;千禧年的
trend /trend/ n. 趋势,倾向
label /'leɪb(ə)l/ v. 标注;贴标签于
disorder /dɪs'ɔ: də/ n. 混乱
supernatural /,su: pə'nætʃ(ə)r(ə)l/ adj. 超自然的;神奇的
apparition /æpə'rɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 幽灵;幻影
prevalent /'prev(ə)l(ə)nt/ adj. 流行的;普遍的
情感心理学家玛德琳·梅森(Madeleine Mason)指出,这种恋爱风气在二十几岁的约会者当中尤为常见。
她说:“表现出这种恋爱模式的单身人士无法做出承诺(are unable to commit)。”
“他们用夏日狂欢和朋友作为这种模式的借口,但事实上是因为他们无法建立持久的情感纽带(lasting romantic bonds)。”
"They may have the illusion they can settle down whenever they want to, but they can’t and until they do decide they want a lasting relationship will they realise they are unable to; that’s when I’ll see them in my office," she toldThe Independent.
illusion /ɪ'l(j)u: ʒ(ə)n/ n. 幻觉,错觉
relationship /rɪ'leɪʃ(ə)nʃɪp/ n. 关系;关联
realise /'rɪəlaɪz/ v. 认识到,明白
现年25岁的露辛达·伯顿·汤姆森坦承自己是“季节性恋爱症”患者(a self-confessed SDD sufferer)。
"As the nights draw in and crunchy leaves litter the streets, for some reason I always end up wanting a boyfriend,” she told The Independent.
“There's something about autumn and winter that makes me want someone with whom to snuggle on the sofa, go ice skating and hold hands on crisp walks.
crunchy /'krʌntʃɪ/ adj. 易碎的;发嘎吱嘎吱声的
snuggle /'snʌg(ə)l/ v. 偎依;舒服地蜷伏
crisp /krɪsp/ adj. 脆的;新鲜的
“It's great having a boyfriend through the cold months, but by the time spring rolls round I'm nearly always fed up of them, so break things off.
“There's nothing better than being single in summer - long balmy evenings are perfect for casual fun and flings."
balmy /'bα: mɪ/ adj. 芳香的;温和的
casual /'kæʒjʊəl/ adj. 随便的;非正式的
fling /flɪŋ/ n. 掷,抛;嘲弄
“Every autumn, I start looking for a new boyfriend. No one wants to be on their own during winter – it’s depressing,” she told The Sun.
到了夏天,她坦言自己又做好了单身的准备,并将自己无所顾忌的心态(devil-may-care attitude)归咎于炎热的天气和火辣的社交场面。
来自英国北安普敦的25岁女孩西恩·瑞恩也同样如此。她声称如果自己单身的话,夏日“就大不相同(wouldn’t be the same)”。
"Lads hold me back," she said.
Laura Ecclestone from Somerset admitted that she finally feels ready to settle down after lifetime of seasonal dating.
“As summer fades, I start thinking it would be nice to have a partner to stay in, order a takeaway and watch a film with. I’ve done this for years now,” she said.
1. You can't bear the thought of being alone over Christmas/New Years and put all efforts in the autumn to find a partner.
2. By Valentine's Day (or anywhere from three months of dating) you start to feel bored or trapped within the relationship and start finding excuses to spend less time with your partner.
thought /θɔ: t/ n. 思想;想法
Christmas /ˈkrɪsməs/ n. 圣诞节
effort /'efət/ n. 努力;成就
Valentine's Day /'væləntaɪn/ 情人节
excuse /ɪkˈskju:s/ n. 借口;理由
3. The idea of being single fills you with relief after some time and you break up or act in ways to make your partner break-up with you.
4. You have done this at least the past three years.