
2017-11-23 08:48:29  每日学英语
Archaeologists reported that they'd found 3,000-year-old honey whileexcavating tombs in Egypt, and it was perfectly? edible?.


archaeologist /,α: kɪ'ɒlədʒɪst/ n. 考古学家

excavate /'ekskəveɪt/ v. 挖掘;开凿

tomb /tu: m/ n. 坟墓;死亡

Egypt /ˈi:dʒɪpt/ n. 埃及(非洲国家)

perfectly /'pɜ: fɪk(t)lɪ/ adv. 完美地;完全地

edible /'edɪb(ə)l/ adj. 可食用的


This durability is thanks to the unique features of honey: it is low in water and high in sugar, so bacteria cannot grow on it.


durability /,djʊrə'bɪləti/ n. 耐久性;坚固

unique /ju: 'ni: k/ adj. 独特的,稀罕的

feature /'fi: tʃə/ n. 特色,特征

bacteria /bæk'tɪərɪə/ n. 细菌


Honey also contains small amounts of hydrogen peroxide, which inhibits growth of microbes. This is partly why bees produce it for the young in theirhives – it is both food and protection.


contain /kən'teɪn/ v. 包含;控制;容纳

hydrogen /'haɪdrədʒ(ə)n/ n. 氢

peroxide /pə'rɒksaɪd/ n. 过氧化氢;过氧化物

inhibit /ɪn'hɪbɪt/ v. 抑制;禁止

microbe /'maɪkrəʊb/ n. 细菌,微生物

hive /haɪv/ n. 蜂房,蜂巢

protection /prə'tekʃ(ə)n/ n. 保护;防卫


Processing honey also helps as the sugars in honey are hygroscopic and tend to draw in atmospheric water, which is not ideal. However, during processing and packaging, the heat treatment first removes water and then airtight lids keeps the water out, helping it keep for longer.


process /prəˈses/ v. 处理;加工

hygroscopic /haɪgrə(ʊ)'skɒpɪk/ adj. 吸湿的;易潮湿的

atmospheric /ætməs'ferɪk/ adj. 大气的,大气层的

package /'pækɪdʒ/ v. 打包;将…包装

airtight /'eətaɪt/ adj. 密闭的,密封的


Although honey can go cloudy and crystallise when opened as the sugars draw in water again, this physical change can be reversed by simply warming the honey.


cloudy /'klaʊdɪ/ adj. 多云的;浑浊的,不透明的

crystallise /'kristəlaiz/ v. 使…结晶;使具体化

reverse /rɪ'vɜ: s/ v. 颠倒;倒转

