
2017-02-05 11:53:49  每日学英语


  as quiet as a mouse 非常安静

  Don't wake them up! Be as quiet as a mouse. 不要把他们吵醒了!安静一点。


  as stubborn as a mule 顽固

  I can't convince you to anything, you're as stubborn as a mule. 我没法跟你说,你犟得像头牛。


  as busy as a bee 超级忙碌

  She never has free time anymore, she's as busy as a bee with work. 她一点空闲时间都没有,工作忙得像蜜蜂。


  as red as a lobster 通红

  Whenever he gets mad, he becomes as red as a lobster. 他生气的时候,脸红地像条龙虾。


  as ugly as a toad 丑

  That girl is as ugly as a toad. 那个女孩长得很丑。


  as free as a bird 自由自在

  Travelling makes you feel as free as a bird. 旅行会让你感觉自由自在。


  as silly as a goose 笨

  You're being as silly as a goose. 你笨得像鹅一样。


  as wise as an owl 聪明

  I always listen to my father, he's as wise as an owl. 我总是听爸爸的话,他很机智。


  as mad as a hornet 生气,抓狂

  I'm so angry! I'm as mad as a hornet. 我太气了!像大黄蜂一样抓狂。
