
2017-02-05 11:44:57  每日学英语


  cut from the same cloth 如出一辙

  My son and I are cut from the same cloth. 我儿子跟我长得如出一辙


  with a fine-toothed comb 严密的审查

  We went over the flat with a fine-toothed comb. 我们去了公寓并对它进行了严密的审查。


  fit like a glove 完全相合

  That dress fits you like a glove. 这条裙子很适合你。


  to lose one's shirt 失去所有的钱

  I lost my shirt in a poker game. 我在打扑克中输得精光。


  roll up one's sleeves 准备大干一场 (别问我为啥是一卷卫生纸)

  It's time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. 是时候准备大干一场了!


  have an ace up one's sleeve 握有王牌

  That girl aways has an ace up her sleeve. 这个女孩子总是握有王牌。


  to laugh up one's sleeve 偷偷地笑

  I was laughing up my sleeve during the whole meeting. 在整场会议中我都在偷笑。
