
2017-02-05 10:18:40  每日学英语

  01 祝TA赚钱到手软

  恭喜发财:Wish you good fortune/great prosperity.

  招财进宝:Money and treasure will be plentiful.

  金玉满堂:May treasures fill your home.

  生意兴隆:Wish your business success.


  02 祝TA转眼当学霸

  名列前茅:Always have success in exams

  鹏程万里:Have a bright future

  步步高升:May you be promoted to a higher position

  03 祝TA年年欢乐如此

  四季平安:May you be blessed with peace and safety in all four seasons.

  年年有余:May you always get more than you wish for.

  岁岁平安:May you have peace all year round.


  04 四字成语不过瘾,这些句子祝福TA

  Wish you peace,joy and happiness through the coming year.


  Good luck and great success in the coming New Year.


  I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.

