
2016-10-28 10:12:10  每日学英语


掏空族(over-drained clan):指在工作中持续投入大量时间和精力后,又无暇进行学习和“充电”,从而无法在职场再产生新的想法或工作热情的一群人。都市“掏空族”就是如今快节奏社会生活下的精神牺牲品。

Working pressure and heated competition are the major factors behind the phenomenon. People have to put a lot of effort into their work to get their job secured, using up stock of knowledge they’ve got from previous education and losing enthusiasm for work. Keeping a good work-life balance may help them live a better life, and a lifelong learning plan will surely enable them to walk away from the clan.


工作压力和激烈的竞争是导致这一现象的主要因素。为了保住工作,人们把大量的精力都投入到工作当中, 把上学时学到的知识和技能都用尽了,也没了工作热情。保持好工作和生活的平衡能够使“掏空族”的生活更上一层楼,而如果有终身学习的规划,他们就一定能够摆脱被“掏空”的命运。




1.Over-drained brains are regarded as smart victims of fast- paced jobs which deprive them of learning time.


2.Keeping a good work-life balance may help them live a better life,and a life long learning plan will surely enable them to walk away from the clan.


3.Over-drained clan refers to employees who find themselves running out of new ideas as well as enthusiasm after spending all their time and energy on day-to-day work.

掏空族指在工作中持续投入大量时间和精力后,又无暇进行学习和“充电”,从而无法在职场再产生新的想法或工作热情的一群人 。
