
2016-10-08 11:22:40  每日学英语


A: Look at all these kittens!


B: How many are there?

B: 这是多少只啊?

A: Eight.


B: They're all so cute.

B: 真可爱。

A: Yes, but I can't keep them.


B: What are you going to do with them?

B: 你要把它们怎么样?

A: I'm going to give them away. Do you want one?

A: 送人。你想要一只吗?

B: Yes, I would love one.

B: 恩,我要一只。

A: Which one do you want?

A: 你想要哪只?

B: That one. The one that's all black.

B: 那只,全黑的那个。

A: Yes, I like that one, too.

A: 恩,我也挺喜欢那只的。

B: I'll call him Blacky.

B: 我叫它小黑。
