
2016-10-08 10:48:05  每日学英语


A: What is there to eat?

A: 吃什么?

B: I don't know. Look in the fridge.

B: 不知道,看看冰箱里有什么。

A: I think I'll make a sandwich.

A: 我想吃三明治。

B: What kind?

B: 哪种?

A: A ham sandwich.

A: 火腿三明治。

B: The bread is in the cabinet.

B: 面包在橱子里。

A: Where's the mustard?

A: 芥末放哪了?

B: It's in the fridge, I think.

B: 应该在冰箱里。

A: Oh, yes, here it is. Do you want a sandwich?

A: 哦,是啊,在那儿呢。你想吃三明治吗?

B: Yes, that sounds nice.

B: 好,听起来不错。

A: How about some potato chips?

A: 来点薯条?

B: Yes. And a pickle, if we have any.

B: 恩,要是还有泡菜的话,来点。
