
2016-09-07 09:03:49  每日学英语
今年6月刚刚曝光霉霉(Taylor Swift)和抖森(Tom Hiddleston)坠入爱河,那时候抖森和霉霉没事就牵个手啊,合个影啊,跳个舞啊。

Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston's relationship is in trouble after less than three months together.An insider exclusively told DailyMail.com that the 26-year-old pop star feels 'uncomfortable' with the 35-year-old actor's desire to be 'so public' about their romance.

霉霉和抖森在一起还不到三个月,现在他们的感情就已经陷入了危机。 一名知情人士透露给每日邮报(DailyMail.com),26岁的流行明星和35岁的英国演员希望将他们之间的关系公之于众,感觉“不舒服”。

Tom has apparently asked Taylor to the Emmy Awards later this month, but she has been questioning whether he is with her for 'the right reasons'.


'Tom wants their relationship to be public, even asking Taylor to go to the Emmys with him, but Taylor wants to keep her private life private,' the source revealed.


The source added: 'Taylor is an independent young woman and doesn't feel like she needs a boyfriend to make her complete.'


Tom and Taylor, while inseparable in the early days of their romance, have not been photographed together since late July.



'The truth is that Taylor Swift and I are together, and we're very happy,' he said. 'That's the truth. It's not a publicity stunt.'


HOWEVER, 一家也比较权威的网站Rador Online 却发出了这样一篇文章——

'Tom can't deal with being a laughing stock and has told Taylor he's done unless there's a 360-degree change on her part,' a source told the publication.


有时候,还真的挺羡慕霉霉的,每次恋爱都谈的这么轰轰烈烈。 艾美奖颁奖礼9月18号就开始了,看看霉霉去不去参加吧。不过歌迷朋友们,也可以小期待一下,没准霉霉很快就要出新歌了。
