
2016-08-10 08:47:11  每日学英语

A: My pen is out of ink.

A: 我的钢笔没水了。

B: Shake it a couple of times.

B: 甩甩。

A: I shook it. There is no more ink.

A: 甩了。没有墨了。

B: You can borrow mine.

B: 用我的吧。

A: Thank you. I'll buy a new one tomorrow.

A: 谢谢,我明天买一瓶新的。

B: What were you doing?

B: 你刚干什么呢?

A: I was writing a letter.

A: 写信来着。

B: Who were you writing to?

B: 给谁写的?

A: It's to my mom.

A: 给我妈妈写。

B: Tell her I said hello.

B: 替我问声好。

A: Okay. I'll return your pen when I'm done.

A: 好,我写完了,就还给你。

B: Take your time.

B: 不着急。
