
2016-08-01 09:33:28  每日学英语

自2013年发起的“Letters Live”活动,就是腐国一年一度的盛会,吸引了各届明星大咖前来参与。今年的Letters Live上,卷福Benedict Cumberbatch再次出场,这回读的不再是催泪情书,而是用美音朗读了奥斯卡影帝汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)在18岁时写给导演乔治·罗伊·希尔(George Roy Hill)的信。(P.S. 知道汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks) 是谁不?就是演阿甘的那个影帝。)


Dear Mr. Hill,

Seeing that ... I have seen your fantastically entertaining and award-winning film "The Sting," starring Paul Newman and Robert Redford, and enjoyed it very much, it is all together fitting and proper that you should "discover" me. Now, right away I know what you are thinking: 'Who is this kid?' and I can understand your apprehensions. I am a nobody. No one outside of Skyline High School has heard of me. ... My looks are not stunning. I am not built like a Greek God, and I can't even grow a mustache, but I figure if people will pay to see certain films ... they will pay to see me.

Let's work out the details of my discovery. We can do it the way Lana Turner was discovered, me sitting on a soda shop stool, you walk in and notice me and -- BANGO -- I am a star.

Or maybe we can do it this way. I stumble into your office one day and beg for a job. To get rid of me, you give me a stand-in part in your next film. While shooting the film, the star breaks his leg in the dressing room, and, because you are behind schedule already, you arbitrarily place me in his part and -- BANGO -- I am a star.

All of these plans are fine with me, or we could do it any way you would like, it makes no difference to me! But let's get one thing straight. Mr. Hill, I do not want to be some bigtime, Hollywood superstar with girls crawling all over me, just a hometown American boy who has hit the big-time, owns a Porsche, and calls Robert Redford "Bob".

Respectfully submitted,

Your Pal Forever,

Thomas J. Hanks
