
2016-07-26 09:04:27  每日学英语


A: I need some pants.

A: 我得买条裤子。

B: I thought you just bought a pair.

B: 我记得你才买了一条。

A: I did.

A: 恩。

B: What's wrong with them so soon?

B: 这么快就穿坏了?

A: The pants are fine, but the pocket has a huge hole in it.

A: 裤子没事,就是口袋上有个大洞。

B: You shouldn't carry your keys and pens in your pocket.

B: 你不应该在口袋里放钥匙和钢笔。

A: But that's what pockets are for.

A: 可是,口袋就是放这些东西的啊。

B: You should carry them in a purse.

B: 可以放在包里啊。

A: I'm a man, and men don't carry purses!

A: 我是一个男人,男人才不带包!

B: Well, you should buy pants with stronger pockets.

B: 好,你应该买那种口袋结实的裤子。

A: I would if I could find someone who makes strong pockets.

A: 我会的,要是我能找到那种能做结实口袋的人。

B: Try a Google search online.

B: 谷歌一下。
