
2016-07-25 08:49:28  每日学英语

1 I'm a laundry virgin.

这是《老友记》里面的一句台词。怎么翻译呢?“我是一个洗衣店的处女”?No, no, no, virgin 在英文的还能表达别的意思:someone who has never done a particular activity before,大概跟“新手”类似,所以 I'm a laundry virgin 意思是:我从来没有洗过衣服。

eg. I'm a snowboarding virgin. 我从来没有参加过滑板滑雪运动。

2 My way or the highway.

直译过来就是“我的路,或者高速公路”,通过 or 可以看出一个二选一的选项,意思为:要么听我的,要么走人。

当两人为吃什么菜而吵得不可开交 的时候,可以来一句试试,够霸气,但请提前脑补下后果哦(跪搓衣板)。

3 We are through.

如果你对女朋友说了“my way or the highway”这句话,接下来可能就会听到这句话了。在美剧中,情侣们要分手时,基本都会说的一句话,表示“我们结束了,我们玩完了”。

一段感情结束时,还可以说 we're so over 或 we are history。

4 Must have been a Freudian slip.

Freudian slip: something you say by mistake but which is believed to show your true thoughts,译为:口误、走嘴(不留神而吐露的真心话)。

5 You are pulling my leg.

“扯后腿”? pull one's leg = make fun of sb. = tease sb.,开某人玩笑,耍弄某人。

You are pulling my leg 相当于 Are you joking? 或 Are you kidding me?,译为“你是在跟我开玩笑吗”?

6 She must be pulling her hair out.

pull one's hair out 跟 get in sb's hair 都可以用来表达:惹恼某人,这句话的翻译为:她一定气坏了。

7 I can't take this.


诸如此类的表达还有:I'm sick of it 或 I'm really fed up with this constant rain。be sick of sth. / sb. 或 be fed up with sth. 都表示“对...感到厌烦”。

8 Wow, you are really obsessed with him.

Wow, you are really obsessed with him.

be obessed with sb.:对某人着迷,这句话的意思是:你真是对他着迷了。

9 to ask someone for one's hand

“请求某人的帮助”?并不是。这个短语的意思是“求婚”:to ask girl's parents for marriage approval.(男方请求女方的父母将女儿讲给他,这里的 someone 是指女方的家长,"one" 指被求婚的对象,所以 "hand" 只能用单数。)

eg. He asked his girlfriend's parents for her hand.


10 I'm just been so on edge.

我紧张得快疯掉了。(be) on edge = (be) nervous, excited or irritable:紧张不安的,兴奋的,烦躁的。
