
2016-06-06 09:27:18  每日学英语

Young Mia, only four years old, returned home from her nursery school complaining, 'Mummy, I've got a stomach ache.'

小米娅, 才刚刚四岁,幼儿园放学回来后,对妈妈说,“妈妈。我肚子(胃)疼。”

'That's because your stomach is empty,' Sarah, her mother replied kindly. 'You'll feel better when you have something in it.'“那是因为你的胃里没东西啦,”她妈妈莎拉温柔地答道。“吃点东西,肚子里有东西了,就会好点了。”

She made Mia a small snack and sure enough, Mia felt better immediately.她给了米娅一小块儿点心,够她吃的一小份,米娅吃了,马上就感觉好多了。

Later that afternoon Mia's class tutor dropped by to see Sarah. While she was chatting with Mia's mum, she mentioned she'd had a bad headache all day long.下午,米娅的班主任过来拜访莎拉。和米娅妈妈聊着聊着,她说她的头疼了一整天了。

Mia perked up straightaway and announced to her teacher, 'That's because it's empty. You'd feel better if you had something in it!'米娅一下就精神了,跑过去对她的老师说,“那是因为你的脑袋空了,放点东西进去就好点了!”
