
2016-06-06 08:46:44  每日学英语

Rupert: Could you let me know your exact office address?

鲁伯特: 请问,能告诉我您办公室的确切地址吗?

Alison: Yes, of course, no problem. I'll send you an email to confirm our meeting, and I'll make sure I include our office details and how to get here.


Rupert: Thanks, well, that's all settled then. I'll see you a week on Wednesday. In the meantime, I do hope your trip to Belgium goes well.

鲁伯特: 谢谢,嗯,那我们说定了。周三见,还有,希望你的比利时之旅愉快。

Alison: Thank you, Rupert. I look forward to seeing you then. Goodbye.


Rupert: Bye, Alison. Oh, sorry Alison before you hang up, would you be kind enough to email me the background information about your new range of products so that I can read up about them before the meeting?

鲁伯特: 再见,艾丽森。哦,抱歉,艾丽森,请先别挂电话,能不能给我发一封邮件,告诉我你们新产品系列的一些背景知识,在开会之前我能先看看。

Alison: No problem, I'll send it through now.



1. Could you let me know…?= Please let me know… /Would you mind letting me know…?(这样表达会更委婉,更有礼貌)

2. I'll send you an email = I'll email you

3. I'll make sure I include = I'll be sure to include

4. how to get here. = directions to this place

5. That's all settled then. = So, we have agreed on that.(后面是稍正式一点的表达)

6. a week on Wednesday = one week from this Wednesday / on Wednesday week

7. In the meantime = between now and then

8. before you hang up = before you end the telephone call / before you put the phone down

9. Would you be kind enough to email me = Would you mind emailing me?(后面这句稍显随意)

10. I'll send it through = I will send it via email (or fax)
