
2016-05-04 09:07:11  每日学英语
  Fish Are Everywhere

  A: The ocean is so big.

  A: 海洋如此广阔。

  B: You can't see the end of it.

  B: 你都看不到头。

  A: It goes on and on forever.

  A: 一直绵延。

  B: And it's deep, too.

  B: 也很深。

  A: I think it's five miles deep.

  A: 我想得有5英里深。

  B: Are there fish at the bottom?

  B: 海底有鱼吗?

  A: There are fish at the top and the bottom.

  A: 海的上层和底层有鱼。

  B: Are there more fish or more people?

  B: 鱼多还是人多?

  A: I think there are more fish.

  A: 鱼应该更多。

  B: I hope so. I love to eat fish.

  B: 我也这么觉得。我爱吃鱼。
