
2016-04-27 09:10:21  每日学英语
The New House


A: We need to save money.

A: 我们得存钱了。

B: Why do we need to save money?

B: 为什么我们需要存钱?

A: Because we need to buy a house.

A: 因为我们得买套房子。

B: But a house is so expensive.

B: 可是买套房子太贵了。

A: That's why we need to save money.

A: 那就是为什么我们要存钱。

B: How much do we need to save?

B: 我们得存多少?

A: We need to save enough for a down payment.

A: 存下付首付的钱。

B: How much is that?

B: 多少?

A: That's about $30,000.

A: 大概30,000美元。

B: Thirty thousand dollars! That will take forever.

B: 30,000美元!那得存一辈子。

A: Not if we save every penny.

A: 要是每分钱都存下来,就不用一辈子。

B: Okay. Here's seven pennies.

B: 好吧,这是7美分。
