
2015-09-28 08:49:23  每日学英语

  1.If you drive, I’ll pay for the gas. 如果你开车,我就付油钱。

  2. You look great! 你看起来很棒!

  3. I’m on my way! 我在路上了!

  4.I’ve been really busy lately. 我最近真的很忙。

  5. My phone has been acting weird. 我的手机最近抽风了。

  6. I can’t go because I don’t feel well. 我有点不舒服,所以不能出门。

  7. I’m broke. 我破产了。

  8. I’m on a diet. 我正在节食。

  9. I think your boyfriend is really cute! 我觉得你的男朋友非常可爱!

  10. I’m going to the gym this week. 我这个星期打算去健身。

  11. I’m not mad at you. 我没生你的气。

  12. I’m not drinking tonight. 我今晚不打算喝酒。

  13. It was so good to see you! 见到你真高兴!
